Paula Muhr
Born in 1977 in Serbia. Lives in Berlin, Germany.
2006-2009 Master Class Studies (Meisterschuelerin) at the Academy of Visual Arts(Hochschule fuer Grafik und Buchkunst) in Leipzig
2003-2006 MA in photography, University of Arts, Faculty of Applied Arts, Belgrade, Serbia
1999-2004 Studied General Literature & Theory of Literature, Philological Faculty, Belgrade
1998-2002 BA in photography, Academy of Arts BK, Belgrade, Serbia
Awards, Grants and Residencies
- Fotonoviembre 2011, Autores in seleccion, Tenerife, Spain
- Production residency by Pépinières Européennes pour jeunes artistes at CNA, Centre national de l'audivisuel, Luxembourg
- Mangelos Award production grant, Serbia
- Nominated for "Exhibition of the Year Award" within Month of Photography, Festival in Ljubljana, Slovenia, for the solo exhibition "On Show"
Selected Solo Exhibitions
- "Paula Muhr - Photographs/Videos", Petra Rietz Salon Gallery, Berlin, Germany
- "Females under Tension", within Fotonoviembre, Authors in Selection, Sala de Arte Contemporaneo, El Tragaluz Digital, Tenerife, Spain
- "On Show", Forum der Kunstfreunde, Bayer Pharma, Berlin, Germany
- "Highest Common Factor" (with L. Bisagno), Centre national de l'audivisuel, Luxembourg
- "Etat normal", Delikatessenhaus, Leipzig, Germany
- "Identite(s)", within Lyon Septembre de la photographie 2008, Galerie Caroline Vachet (with P. Blondeau) and Modernart Cafe, Lyon, France
- "On Show", Photon Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia
- "Golden Boys", Kunstverein Leipzig, Germany
Selected Group Exhibitions
- "Mutations III", Public Images - Private Views, European Month of Photography, Carres Rotondes, Luxemburg
- "Ausloeser", Fotografie-Konzepte aus Leipzig, Kunsthalle Leipzig, Germany
- "Lab East", V8 Gallery for Contemporary Photography, Cologne, Germany
- "Sentai Denki", Chung Shan Creative Hub, Taipei City, Taiwan
- "Neue Bilder vom Alter(n)", Staedtischen Galerie Isny im Allgaeu, Germany & Landesvertretung Sachsen-Anhalt, Brussels, Belgium
- "Mutations III", Public Images - Private Views, MUSA –Museum auf Abruf, Vienna
- "Now, Time, Told", Darmstaedter Tage der Fotografie, Darmstadt, Germany
- "DB Mangelos Award Produced Works", Remont Gallery, Belgrade, Serbia
- "Kunstvlaai / Artpie", Cultuurpark Westergasfabriek, Amsterdam, Netherlands
- "Neue Bilder vom Alter(n)", vhs Galerie, Stuttgart, Germany
- "Pursuit of Happiness", Noorderlicht Photofestival, Groningen, The Netherlands
- "Recycled", Kaunas Photo Festival, Kaunas, Lithuania
- "Future Together Now", Konfuzius Institute, Leipzig, Germany
- "Tickle Attack", Nei Liicht Galerie, Dudelange, Luxembourg
- "Chahun son Histoire", Galerie Caroline Vachet, Lyon, France
- "International Photo Festival", Lodz, Poland
- "Ehrliche Haut", Pasinger Fabrik, Munich, Germany
- "Photomeetings Luxembourg 2008", Galerie Clairefontaine, Luxembourg
- "We Know the Taste but not the Smell", Galerie Baer, Dresden, Germany
- "Tickle Attack, Backlight 08", 8th International Photographic Triennial, TR1, Tampere, Finland, Fluss, Wolkersdorf, Austria and Fondazione Studio Marangoni, Florence, Italy
- "We Will Always Be There For You", Kunsthaus Dresden
- "6th International Biennial of Photography and Visual Arts", MAMAC, Liege, Belgium
- "Riccardo Pezza European Photography Prize", Trienale di Milano, Milan, Italy
- "Das dritte Ohr", UFO Galerie, Halle/Saale, Germany
- "Europa neurotisch", Petersburg Project Space, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- "Das dritte Ohr", UFO Galerie, Halle/Saale, Germany
- "Konstruierte Wirklichkeiten", Das Slowakische Institut, Berlin, Germany
- "Places and Manners of Worship", 20th International Meetings of Photography Thessaloniki, Museum of Byzantine Culture, Thessaloniki, Greece
- "Frauenportraits", Overbeck-Gesellschaft, Kunsthaus Luebeck, Germany
Other activities
2011 Lecturer in Photography at the Brand Academy - University of Applied Sciences, Hamburg
2002 - 2009 Writes reviews for IMAGO - Magazine for Photography in Central and Eastern Europe, Bratislava, Slovakia
2005 - 2009 Member of the Editorial Board of the IMAGO magazine, Bratislava, Slovakia
2002 - 2005 Curator at the Photographic Gallery "Circus", Students Cultural Centre, Belgrade