Rita Puig-Serra Costa
Rita Puig-Serra lives and works in Barcelona. After studying Humanities and a master in Comparative Literature, she studies Graphic Design in IDEP and Photography in CFD and
El Observatorio. Her first project Where Mimosa Bloom was published in 2014 by Editions du Lic. She received with Dani Pujalte the grant 20a Fotopres La Caixa to produce the work Good Luck With The Future. She recently start a project with Salvi Danés and David Bestué with the support of Terralab.cat.
- 01 Le Dernier Cadeau - Ultim Regal, Série Where Mimosa Bloom, 2012-2014, 95x118 cm
- 02 Série Where Mimosa Bloom, 2012-2014, 1495x118 cm
- 03 Petit Oiseau, Série Where Mimosa Bloom, 2012-2014, 78x118 cm